Wrinkles are the unwanted lines, which appear automatically on the face as we grow up. These lines make us no more look younger, and so we, nowadays, are becoming quite cautious about wrinkles. Whenever we think about improved face value we always consider a person’s face that is wrinkle free, and looks younger than its actual age.
Not only the skin of our face, wrinkles are often found in other parts of our body too. As face value carries more importance than the beauty of other parts of our body, so you will find that people are generally worried about reducing the wrinkles on their faces. For aged people, wrinkles on the face are quite natural, but for younger or middle aged people, wrinkles are the outcome of environmental factors and poor skin condition.
How wrinkles appear on the skin?
The root of having wrinkles is lack of moisture in the middle layer of our skin, which is known as ‘dermis’. The top layer of our skin is visible and carries the reflection of the middle layer of the skin. A protein in the middle layer of our skin holds moisture and gives elastic effect in our skin.
As we grow older this protein starts reducing and lowers the capacity of holding sufficient moisture in the middle layer. Due to the lack of moisture and protein in the middle layer, the elasticity of our skin starts disappearing and wrinkles appear.
There are several other factors behind wrinkles:
• Smoking of cigarette
• Staying under the direct sun
• Lacking of moisture
• Damaging the middle layer
• Hormonal imbalance
There are many ways to combat with wrinkles and you can easily control these wrinkles to hold your face value.
Some easy ways to get rid of wrinkles
Stop smoking: Premature wrinkles are the lines on the skin that appears at early age. Smoking cigarettes or cigars or taking tobacco always harm your skin. Too much intake of tobacco reduces the moisture of our skin and its elasticity. You will find smokers with wrinkles on their face, especially around their mouth and under their eyes.
Avoid direct Sunlight: Staying under the sun for a long duration can damage your skin. The moisture in the middle layer may reduce and create wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body. So try to avoid the habit of staying under the sun. If your job needs spending time in the outdoor then carry an umbrella and apply a moisturizer cream before moving out.
Keep yourself away from UV rays: It is observed that between 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. the proportion of Ultraviolet rays is maximum in the sunlight. This ultraviolet rays damage the outermost as well as the middle layer of our skin. There are many creams, which come with sun protection factors, are easily available in the market. Apart from going outside, these creams are very effective while playing or swimming under clear sky. Use these creams after any such sporting activities – this will help your skin to hold moisture.
Think once before you enter the tanning salon: You will find people running to the salon to become tan. You cannot imagine how the ultraviolet light of these tanning booths is affecting the layers of our skin. Think twice before you get a tan. You may get wrinkles even in the early age and loose your younger look. Not only wrinkles, taking ultraviolet rays from the tanning salon may also cause skin cancer.
Drink water: Have you ever realized how water can help you to reduce these unwanted wrinkles? Taking bath on regular basis and drinking sufficient water everyday helps your skin hold enough moisture and avoid wrinkles.
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